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Giving Different Levels Of Access To Your AdWords Account

When giving access to your AdWords accounts, you should understand what you are giving access to and when to give the right access. When you are giving access to an Agency like adMind.io then you should follow These Steps. When you are giving email access, you can give four different types of access. Here is a chart that displays the different kind of access you can give:

This should help you understand who you are giving access to and how much they can do in the account. Stay safe in your accounts. Don’t give too much information away and don’t put yourself at risk.



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GA4 Basic

Transfer All Universal Analytics Tracking to GA4

Anything you are tracking now in Universal Analytics we will make sure you are also tracking in GA4.

Set Up Conversions in GA4

You likely have a list of important conversion actions that inform your core KPI’s, we’ll make sure those are all set up.

Set Up Audiences in GA4

GA4 has a slightly different way of grouping data that relies heavily on proper audience creation, we’ll make sure your audiences are set up in a way that makes sense for your business objectives.

Integrate Big Query to Preserve Data

If you don’t set up the Big Query connection you’ll lose your historical Universal Analytics data, we’ll make sure this integration is done correctly.